Flanadir Flameskull

Born from the remains of a 5th level wizard named Thanadir and turned into a flameskull protector of the Temple of Orcus centuries ago by the temple’s original vampire worshippers, Flanadir was recently defeated by the party and liberated from the temple.  With the temple conquered and its powerful enchantments broken, the flameskull no longer has duties that bind it there, nor masters to serve. This has led Flanadir to a bit of an existential crisis.

The party chose to let him revive at the Temple of Boccob and encouraged him to consider a new life of service to the community. Given that his memories of his past life and much of his period of servitude have faded, the flameskull accepted the invitation to begin again, and as a sign of his new start, chose to change his name from Thanadir to Flanadir.

Although the party suggested he consider a new career on the nightwatch or as a city lamp lighter, Flanadir has expressed interest in seeing and learning more about the world (and what has changed) by pursuing life as an adventurer.  There is talk of letting him register with the Adventurers’ Guild — but it is certain that this will be a challenge without the support and good word of those who can vouch for his changed nature and good intentions.

Flanadir (Thanadir) does not recall much (at the moment) about his past, but it’s possible that given time to adjust to his new role in the community and exposure to the world, he may begin to remember and share details about life in the centuries before Sanctuary’s founding.

Randolfo the Magnificent

Randolfo the Mag-ni-ficent is a well-traveled, much accomplished, and extremely eloquent gnome bard and storyteller known throughout The Three Sisters and beyond. Dressed in impeccable flamboyance, he sports an enormous purple wide-brimmed feathered hat and a purple cloak which appears to always be stirred in a breeze.  Randolfo is a collector of stories and will trade information (and sometimes coin) for a compelling tale that no one else has heard. When not traveling, he spends considerable time in the taverns of Sanctuary where he has many adoring fans.

Rumor has it that Randolfo is an experienced adventurer who has himself lead a life of extraordinary daring and heroics. There remains an air of mystery about how he first came to Sanctuary — but it is clear that he loves the city and the thousands of new and remarkable stories that each wave of refugees brings with them.


Bertrand the Sage

Bertrand the Sage can usually be found buried under a mountain of books and scrolls in his study located in the depths of The High Road‘s maze of temples, shrines, and altars. Widely respected, if rather eccentric, you know that this ancient elf sage of old faiths and obscure gods is your best bet for making sense of lost magic, obscure religions, strange curses, and forgotten relics and ruins.  You trust him and his extensive knowledge, but you do also wonder sometimes about his fashion choices — or his insistence on wearing a long white clearly fake beard.