The Three Sisters

Known as The Three Sisters, the trio of islands individually known as Caslona, Cambria, and Arial, have been the home for refugees and desperate immigrants from every corner of the known and unknown world for the past 400 years.


This, the largest island, features dense forests, a snow-capped mountain range which pierces the clouds and bisects the land, and a web of rivers and swamps which lead to a number of ports. Fish, wildlife, and edible plants are abundant. The mountains are rich in mineral ore and precious metals and gems. It is by far the most settled of the three.

Major SettlementsSanctuary.


The second largest island is the rockiest of the Three Sisters. Huge towering rock formations and high cliffs make this island extremely difficult to approach by water. Ominous dark clouds perpetually swirl around the tallest peaks and forests. There is but one landing spot, a mostly landlocked port accessible via a single narrow passage into the island’s interior.

Major Settlements: Porthole.


The smallest of the islands is largely agricultural in industry and for the most part sparsely populated. Aside from one densely forested mountain in the center, Arial is mostly flat and covered in open pasture. A few fishing villages dot the coast.

Minor Settlements: Weedle, Netburr, Catcher’s Cove

Author: Neil Aitken

Neil Aitken is a poet, editor, and translator, as well as the author of two books of poetry: Babbage's Dream (Sundress Publications 2017) and The Lost Country of Sight (2008), which won the 2007 Philip Levine Prize.

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